Wellington Regional Trails
A sign post next to the Electric Avenue hiking trail.

Walking time

1 hr return




Walking/Running, Mountain Biking


Single track

Walking difficulty

Easy: Walking track

Mountain Bike Grade

Intermediate: Grade 3


24m climb

-116m descent

351m highest point


Yes (on lead)

About the trail

Electric Avenue is a smooth-flowing single trail featuring berms and tabletops. The fun 20-minute downhill ride starts and the end of 4 Degrees and ends at the intersection of Wētā and Connect Four.

The trail is primarily for mountain biking but walking is allowed. Be aware of mountain bike users travelling downhill at high speeds.

Electric Avenue track at Belmont Regional Park.

A section of terrain on Electric Avenue.

Getting there 

The trail starts on Old Coach Road, about 10m from the end of 4 Degrees. There are few routes you can take to get there:

  • Start from the Hill Road entrance to Belmont Regional Park. Ride up the metal farm track (past the farmhouse) until you find Old Coach Road on your left. Follow the signpost pointing to the Stratton Street mountain bike tracks and Old Coach Road.
  • Start from the end of Normandale Road. Turn left at the intersection of Normandale Road and Sweetacres Drive and continue until you find Old Coach Road.
  • There are regular bus and train services to Lower Hutt and the surrounding area. Timetables are available from the Metlink website.

Know before you go 

For more tips and advice before heading out on Wellington’s trails check out our before you go section.

Electric Avenue track at Belmont Regional Park.