The Kiriwhakapapa Road Tararua Forest Park screen location, featuring walking trails and campsite opportunities in wild, natural landscapes.

Kiriwhakapapa Road lies 7 kilometres from State Highway 2 and is 16km north of Masterton in the Wairarapa. The road is unsealed for the last 5km.

The road serves as the main entrance to the Tararua Forest Park. It offers a variety of hiking, hunting, and camping opportunities in a wild, natural landscape. Loggers cleared the area during the 1930s, but it has since been partially replanted.

The Kiriwhakapapa Loop is a popular 2km walking track suitable for all ages and fitness levels. It passes through a regenerated forest and connects with other hiking trails. One of these trails follows old bush tramlines through to the Mikimiki Valley, while another ascends the Blue Range.

The Department of Conservation maintains the family-friendly Kiriwhakapapa Campsite. It has non-powered tent sites, toilet facilities, and a communal cooking area.