The rural, scenic screen location of Broken Hill Road, with green fields and lush forests surrounding.

Less than 5 kilometres long, Broken Hill Road is a rural road that crosses both Porirua and Wellington. It provides access to many walking tracks and picnic spots.

Spicer Botanical Park is at its northern end, next to Colonial Knob Scenic Reserve. Driving south from there you will pass the Spicer Landfill.

The road then enters more remote terrain and narrows to a single lane at times. 

Flanked by forest and green fields, it makes for a scenic drive. Parts of it are not suitable for large vehicles.

Location details

Jurisdiction Wellington City Council, Porirua City Council
Permits required Yes, apply for a permit
Location descriptors Forest/woods, bush, pines, scrub, coniferous, deciduous, evergreen, foliage, canopy, understory, verdant, serene, wilderness, remote, untamed, uninhabited, vast, uncharted, isolated, solitude, rugged, natural, expanse, scenic, breathtaking, open road, picnic areas.