Wellington Regional Trails

Walking time

1 hr 30 min




Walking/Running, Mountain Biking


Single track

Walking difficulty

Easy: Walking track

Mountain Bike Grade

Intermediate: Grade 3


135m climb

-533m descent

421m highest point


Yes (on lead)

About the trail

Starting high above the city, follow the ridgeline by bike or foot, down to the south coast. Red Rocks Track starts as a 4WD access road and changes to a challenging single trail for the descent to the coast.

Leave plenty of time to stop and take in the sweeping views over the Cook Strait. You can even marvel at the colony of fur seals perched near Red Rocks/Pariwhero past Sinclair Head in winter.

There are two stream crossings, so pack extra socks in preparation.

If you’ve still got energy once you’re at sea level, follow the coastline on the Red Rocks Coastal Walk to Owhiro Bay.

A fur seal sitting on a rock on the Red Rocks Coastal Walkway on Wellington's south coast.
  • The trail starts from the southern end of the Barking Emu track in Waimapihi Reserve. Cross the Tip Track and head south.
  • There are regular bus services to Brooklyn, Island Bay, and the surrounding areas. Timetables are available from Metlink.