Strategies and publications

Destination Pōneke

Destination Pōneke is the Wellington Destination Management Plan 2021 to 2031. It provides a roadmap for how Wellington develops as a visitor destination. It’s about enhancing aspects of our city, so Wellington continues to be a great place to live, work, study and visit — and is ready for future change.

Wellington Destination Management Plan 2021 to 2031 [PDF, 4.3MB]

Wellington Destination Management Plan Summary [PDF, 2.3 MB]

Opportunities for Impact Through Procurement

The Māori economy is key to the wellbeing of Māori and is an important contributor to the economy of the greater Wellington region. In our role as a regional economic development agency, we seek to support a thriving regional economy for all. Part of this is ensuring there is equitable access to the system through procurement opportunities.

This report is the result of a piece of work by Puna Awarau, commissioned by WellingtonNZ. It aimed to understand the procurement ecosystem, and identify opportunities to support greater access in the region. To begin to understand the landscape of procurement, Puna Awarau interviewed Māori suppliers with lived experiences of procurement. They also interviewed a small group of conscious buyers who are implementing new ways of operating, to support greater access.

The Opportunities for Impact Through Procurement report is the result of this research. It’s the first step in providing insights and identifying opportunities for impact across four key themes (collaboration, capability, support, and action).

WellingtonNZ intends to use the report to explore ways to support and grow businesses in the region, alongside value-aligned partners.

Opportunities for Impact Through Procurement [PDF, 2.68MB]

Wellington Regional Economic Development Plan

This plan aims to guide the long-term direction of the economy and will help drive high-impact economic initiatives over the next 10 years.

It sets out the strategic direction, issues and opportunities, and guides where funding and support should go.

It’s about future-proofing the region and making sure it thrives economically. But also about ensuring Wellington is a great place for everyone to live, including our Māori and Pasifika communities. It also aims to improve wellbeing and quality of life.

Wellington Regional Economic Development Plan

Wellington Major Events Strategic Framework

The Wellington Major Events Strategic Framework supports the Wellington Major Events Fund. It invests in events that deliver strong economic, reputational and social outcomes for Wellington.

Download the full Wellington Major Events Strategic Framework [PDF, 2 MB]

The South Coast of the Wellington Region.